Wind Farm Night Time Photography
When proposed wind turbines are in excess of 150m tip height NatureScot (formerly SNH) requires night time visualisations to assess the impact of wind turbine aviation safety lighting.
We have a wealth of experience in providing night time photography and visualisations; including obtaining photography on remote hilltops. Recent locations include:
All night time photography is risk assessed and mitigations agreed with clients. Two person teams with mountain craft skills, redundant navigation systems and first aid certified conduct remote photography and, depending on risk profile, will either descend after sunset with head torches or wild camp overnight.

We have a wealth of experience in providing night time photography and visualisations; including obtaining photography on remote hilltops. Recent locations include:
- The Fannich Ranges - North West Highlands
- Beinn Dearg - Ullapool
- Ben Hope - Sutherland
- Ben Wyvis - Ross & Cromarty
- Ben Cruachan - Highlands
- The Merrick - Southern Uplands
All night time photography is risk assessed and mitigations agreed with clients. Two person teams with mountain craft skills, redundant navigation systems and first aid certified conduct remote photography and, depending on risk profile, will either descend after sunset with head torches or wild camp overnight.