LVIA Photography
We are experienced in providing EIA / LVIA photography for wind farms and commercial developments. Photography in accordance with the following guidance:
We provide 360' panoramic photomontage photography services for landscape architects, consultancies and developers; experienced in the energy, archaeology, mining / minerals, residential, retail and industrial sectors. Based in Central Scotland.
We use specialised and calibrated high precision panoramic equipment for accurate representation with minimal distortion.

- Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Visual Representation of Wind Farms - Version 2.2 February 2017: We were involved in the Consultation of these guidelines
- The Highland Council Visualisation Standards for Wind Energy Developments - July 2016
- Landscape Institute Technical Guidance Note 06/11 Visual Representation of Development Proposals
We provide 360' panoramic photomontage photography services for landscape architects, consultancies and developers; experienced in the energy, archaeology, mining / minerals, residential, retail and industrial sectors. Based in Central Scotland.
We use specialised and calibrated high precision panoramic equipment for accurate representation with minimal distortion.